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Passover Service Times 2024

Monday, April 22
Erev Pesach –  Ta'anit Bechorot (Fast of the Firstborn)
7:30 am Shacharit @ Shaare Zedek
10:04 am Eating Chametz – not later than
11:00 am Burning of the Chametz
6:00 pm Mincha-Ma’ariv YomTov @ SZBE
6:30 pm SZBE Communal & Family Seders
7:32 pm Candle Lighting

Tuesday, April 23 - @ SZBE
1st day of Pesach
10:00 am Shacharit
8:40 pm Candle Lighting After

Wednesday, April 24 @ SZBE
2nd day of Pesach
10:00 am Shacharit
8:00 pm Mincha
8:30 pm Ma’ariv
8:42 pm YomTov Ends

Thursday, April 25 @ Shaare Zedek
3rd day of Pesach – Chol HaMoed
7:30 am Shacharit
6:00 pm Mincha-Ma’ariv

Friday, April 26
4th day of Pesach – Chol HaMoed
7:30 am Shacharit @ Shaare Zedek
6:00 pm Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat @ SZBE
7:37 pm Candle Lighting

Shabbat, April 27 – Birthday Shabbat @ SZBE
5th day of Pesach – Shabbat Chol HaMoed
9:30 am Shacharit
8:46 pm Havdalah-Shabbat ends

Sunday, April 28 @ SZBE
6th day of Pesach – Chol HaMoed, Erev Yom Tov
8:30 am Shacharit
7:00 pm Mincha-Ma’ariv YomTov
7:40 pm Candle Lighting

Monday, April 29 @ SZBE
7th day of Pesach
9:30 am Shacharit
7:00 pm Mincha-Ma’ariv YomTov
8:49 pm Candle Lighting After

Tuesday, April 30 @ SZBE
8th day of Pesach – Yizkor
9:30 am Shacharit
8:15 pm Minhah
8:45 pm Ma’ariv
8:51 pm YomTov Ends

The Sale of Chametz-2024

Please CLICK HERE to complete the online form to sell your Chametz

Deadline: Monday, April 22 at 9:00 am

Tulips to celebrate Pesach 2022

Passover is both the most-celebrated Jewish holiday of the year and the holiday voted most likely to elicit a groan. People groan when they consider Passover’s dietary requirements. They groan when they think of all the preparations. They even groan when they remember how much they overate during Passover last year.
But the real irony behind the groaning is that in some ways this is exactly what you’re supposed to feel at this time of year. Passover is a celebration of spring, of birth and rebirth, of a journey from slavery to freedom, and of taking responsibility for yourself, the community, and the world. However, strangely enough, none of this taking of responsibility gets done without groaning. It was with groaning that the Hebrews expressed the pain of their ancient enslavement in Egypt more than 3,300 years ago. It was with groaning that they called attention to their plight. 
The Torah states that Jews are to observe Passover for seven days, beginning on the 15th of the Jewish month Nisan. The first night always includes a special seder (ritual dinner). Plus, traditional Jews outside of Israel don’t work on either the first two or the last two days of the seven-day period. Outside of Israel, Jews celebrate a second seder on the second night of Passover.
To make any celebration or ritual truly meaningful, you must find a way to make it personal. Even Moses — and later the rabbis of the Talmud — recognized this when they instructed the Jewish people how to celebrate Passover. The key isn’t only to tell the story of the Exodus, or even to compare your life to the story of the Exodus, but to actually personalize the history: feel the feelings and experience the sensations of this journey. In this way, the Jewish people as individuals and as a people move forward. Everything a person does during Passover aids this process.
There are four Hebrew names for Passover, each pointing to a particular aspect of the holiday. The most common Hebrew name is Pesach, which is usually translated as “passing over,” as the Angel of Death passed over the homes of the Jews in Egypt. (Killing the Egyptian first-born was the tenth plague, and it convinced the Pharaoh to release the Hebrews from slavery.) But there are three more Hebrew names for Passover: Chag Ha-matzot (“Festival of Unleavened Breads”), Z’man Cheiruteinu (“The Time of Liberation”), and Chag Ha-aviv (“Festival of Spring”).

Sun, 19 January 2025 19 Tevet 5785