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On December 18, we began merging our daily minyan with Shaare Zedek’s for a trial period lasting through Friday, February 3.


Both congregations find the heart of winter when our snowbirds have flown south a more challenging time of year to make a minyan, with the winter break of late December an especially challenging time period.

We are joining together for weekday services, Sunday morning through Friday morning. Shabbat services will continue to at our respective synagogues.

Weekday  morning minyan time will move to 8am. Sunday and holiday mornings (December 26, 27, and January 2) will continue to be at 8:45am, and evening services will continue to be at 6pm. The location will shift between the two synagogues as shown below:

  • Sunday, December 18th through January 6th inclusive, services will take place at Share Zion – Beth El.
  • Sunday, January 8th through Friday, January 13th inclusive, services will take place at Shaare Zedek.
  • Sunday, January 15th through Friday, January 20th inclusive, services will take place at Shaare Zion – Beth El.
  • Sunday, January 22nd through Friday, January 27th inclusive, services will take place at Shaare Zedek.
  • Sunday, January 29th through Friday, February 3rd inclusive, services will take place at Shaare Zion – Beth El.

A few additional notes:

  • Breakfast will be served daily regardless of the venue.
  • Daily yahrzeits and cholim lists of both synagogues will be used and acknowledged at all services.
  • Congregants from the visiting synagogue will be included in aliyot and the conducting of services. Shaare Zedek’s policies on women counting for a minyan, having aliyot, and leading services are now the same as ours.
  • Weekday Zoom will still be offered

We cannot let the idea that we have a joint minyan make us complacent – we each still need to do what we can to make sure we have a minyan so people saying kaddish are able to honor their departed loved ones. If you regularly come on a particular day of the week, please continue to come, regardless of where the minyan is taking place.

Weekly Service Times
Wednesday-Thursday, January 4-5
8:00 am Shacharit
6:00 pm Mincha-Ma'ariv
Friday, January 6
8:00 am Shacharit
4:08 pm Candle lighting
4:15 pm Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat


All services are in-person.

Livestream services this week: Friday PM & Shabbat AM

Zoom services offered for all other services

Shabbat LiveStream

A Return to the Rhona & Irwin Kramer Family Chapel

Wednesday, November 2, 2022, will be a day to remember and an occasion to enter in the history books of  Shaare Zion Beth-El Congregation.

After more than 2 and ½ years of non-use, the Daily Minyannaires held services in the Chapel for the first time since March 2020. Close to 20 members participated in this memorable occasion and Mark Rabinovitch had the honour of leading the Shacharit services. A special breakfast sponsored by Riva & Andrew Toeman followed. The Daily Chapel was refurbished  and rededicated in 2015 with the generosity of Rhona & Irwin Kramer, long time members and supporters of the shul. We have added two new air filters which will ensure the circulation and quality of fresh air at all times. We welcome everyone to return.

Join us in a Prayer for Peace

Wed, 23 October 2024 21 Tishrei 5785